After a recent public hearing, the Board has voted to clarify the language regarding mobile homes. The first ordinance amendment reflects that a $200 application fee is required for amendments not initiated by an officer or agency of the town to cover the advertising costs and other administrative expenses included. Applications for amendments that involve amending the zoning map not initiated by an officer or agency of the town require a $700 fee to cover the zoning map amendment fee at the time the application is submitted. If the application is not approved, the zoning map amendment fee, not including the application fee, will be refunded to the applicant. The second ordinance amendment reflects that for mobile homes (Single and Double-Wide) throughout Rich Square's city limits are allowed but are required to be permanently affixed, have all wheels, axles, and tow hitches removed, have a permanent foundation, and to not be titled with the DMV. These amendments were adopted April 4, 2024, at the regular monthly meeting.